Friday 1 June 2012

The Gruen Transfer: Animal Rights

The Gruen Transfer is always intriguing but, as a vegan, I was particularly interested in this discussion on animal rights and the various ways advertising can be used to create positive change in the world:

It’s good to see advertising being used to spread positive messages and especially encouraging to see how effective it can be. Greenpeace campaigns in particular often seem to bring about the desired effect. 

Particularly relevant to journalism was the live export campaign run by Animals Australia. It was noted that “campaigns always work best if they can piggyback a media event”. Since there was no media event, Animals Australia created one by providing the media with their footage of the cruelty suffered by animals in the live export process. This is an excellent example of reciprocity – the media get the shocking footage which they can turn into a compelling story and Animals Australia draw support for their cause. Normally when you think of advertising permeating the media it’s in a negative sense where they’re disguising ads for certain products as news stories. What Animals Australia did is ostensibly the same thing but with one vital difference – the live exports issue is worthy of being a current event; surreptitious marketing of the latest dubious diet product isn’t.

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