Friday 1 June 2012

The Anthon Berg Generous Store

Whoever came up with this campaign is a marketing genius:

The Anthon Bern Generous Store was open for one day only in Copenhagen and customers exchanged the promise of a specific good deed for a generous box of gourmet chocolate. The catch was, the good deed had to be publicly declared and carried out. Customers posted their promised good deed on facebook and then posted evidence of its completion with the Anthon Berg chocolates in the shot. So the campaign captured the infectious spreading power of social media. And what spread was a message of double-generosity – not only did Anthon Berg give the chocolate away for no monetary cost, they encouraged people to be generous to their loved ones. What a brilliant light for a company to portray itself in.

While I couldn’t help but note the cleverness of the advertising campaign, I don’t want to be too jaded and suggest that the company only had profit margins in mind. Hopefully the exercise reminds people of how much nicer your world is when you’re generous – not just with your loved ones but with anyone in need.

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